Changelog ========= 0.7.10 (2015-07-07) ++++++++++++++++++ * Make request and response available as attrs on HTTPError 0.7.5 (2015-01-21) ++++++++++++++++++ * Handle request path parameters with spaces correctly * Performance improvements for loading large api docs * Misc bug fixes 0.7.4 (2014-12-11) ++++++++++++++++++ * Requests urlencode params as utf8 * Docs related to 0.7.2 * Declare utf-8 encoding for all files 0.7.3 (2014-12-11) ++++++++++++++++++ * request logging is now done on the debug level instead of info level. 0.7.2 (2014-12-11) ++++++++++++++++++ * Allow headers to be passed in the api_docs request 0.7.1 (2014-12-11) ++++++++++++++++++ * Requests no longer mutate clients 0.7.0 (2014-11-26) ++++++++++++++++++ * headers are no longer cached and required as part of async and http client setup. 0.6.0 (2014-10-30) ++++++++++++++++++ * format='date' params are now represented and passed as objects instead of datetime.datetimes. 0.5.0 (2014-08-08) ++++++++++++++++++ * Allow form request parameters. (Uploading files is supported) * Default Values are taken if parameter not provided. * Detailed exception error is raised (containing server response) * New Optional parameters to ``result()``: ``allow_null`` and ``raw_response``. * Headers passed to HttpClient will be passed to ``/api-docs`` call as well. 0.4.0 (2014-07-15) ++++++++++++++++++ * Allow MultiDict params. (for query parameters with allowMultiple: True) * Query Parameters with type ``array`` are not further allowed.